The impornant of Livestock in Sudan
• Sudan is characterized by multiple climates that impact on the diversity of livestock where camels are concentrated in the northern belt and cows in the southern and western belt while sheep (sheep and goats) spreading in all parts of Sudan. In addition to the fisheries, poultry and equine species according to the climatic conditions.
• Rain rate ranges in Sudan from 100 mm to 1000 mm, at least while temperatures ranging between 45 degrees (in summer) to 10 degrees (in winter) and agricultural land represents more than a third of Sudan area, while actually exploited them does not exceed 1/5 of agricultural area.
• Sudan has water resources with a variety of sources, including the possibility of water harvesters.
The importance of the livestock sector:-
Sudan food animals (cattle, sheep, goats, camels) are estimated at 105 million heads (2015). There are as well other animals. The importance of livestock is attributed to their economic and social contributions which can be summarized in:
a) Provision of high percentage of food security needs such as meat (100%) , milk (95.5%) , poultry products (72%) , fish (60%) table (1/22%) shows the animal products in Sudan.
Animal product (000 tons) :-
Year |
milk |
Red meat |
Fish meat |
Poultry meat |
eggs |
Hide &skin |
2011 |
4273 |
1427 |
72 |
40 |
38 |
52 |
2012 |
4318 |
1456 |
87 |
45 |
40 |
53 |
2013 |
4359 |
1466 |
89.13 |
55 |
45 |
53.5 |
2014 |
4391 |
1476 |
91 |
60 |
50 |
53.8 |
livestock contribution in the GDP :-
years |
Agriculture sector |
Petroleum sector |
Livestock sector |
2009 |
30.8 |
8.3 |
17% |
2010 |
31.3 |
7.5 |
17% |
2011 |
31.5 |
5.3 |
19% |
2012 |
30.4 |
3.3 |
20% |
2013 |
30.6 |
2.9 |
20% |
2014 |
30.7 |
2.0 |
21% |
c ) Contribute by about (20-25%) of the non petroleum exports and 20-30% of the agriculture sector exports.
d ) Provide employment and jobs for 40% of the population.
e) Have big contribution in vitalizing other related production and service activities.
f) Crown Sudan as the largest exporter of meat, live animals and hides and skins among African and Arab countries.
g ) Provide draught and land preparation force specially in rural areas.
h ) Used in sportsmanship, races and as transport and pack means.
i ) Place owners in good social prestigious positions.
= Represent a key sector of the agricultural sectors.
= Contribute about 20% of GDP and 25% of non-oil exports.
= An estimate of about 104 million head, 29.6 million head of cattle, 39.3 million head of sheep, 30.6 million of goats and 4.7 million head of camels.
= Large numbers of horses and donkeys.
= Estimated numbers of poultry and fish.
= Sudan is characterized by Large numbers of wild animals
= Provide jobs for about 40% of the population.
= Provide food security of red meat, dairy products, poultry (eggs and meat) and fish.
= Contribution in loading, transportation and deportation in the countryside and the outskirts of cities.
= Represents 8% of Zakat revenues in Sudan.
= Source of revenue for state and local budgets.
= Community Relations (donations, Blood Money and livestock trade ............).
= Pastoral sector represents 90% of livestock.
= Estimate total forage resources in Sudan 50.0 million tons of dry matter:- 36.3 million tons natural pastures, 13,55 million tons vegetable waste, 55 million tons of feed irrigated and 0.20 million tons of concentrates.
الاهمية الاقتصادية للثروة الحيوانية:
o مساهمته في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي GDP)) بنسبة 20%
o ، والمساهمة في القطاع الزراعي بحوالي 45% ،
o وتوفير سبل العيش لنحو 40 % من السكان.
o قطيع قومي يربو على 106 مليون رأس (عام 2015م )
o 30.3قوامه مليون رأس من الأبقار و 40.2 مليون رأس من الضأن و31.2 مليون رأس من الماعز و 4.8 مليون رأس من الإبل.
o يساهم بحوالي 20% من عائدات الصادرات غير البترولية
o يبلغ عدد الرحل الذين يعتمدون اعتمادا كلياً على الثروة الحيوانية حوالي 8.5% من السكان، كما أن المستقرين بالأرياف يشكلون حوالي70 % من السكان يعمل جلهم بالزراعة وتربية الحيوان.
o يوفر حوالي 1.5 مليون طن من اللحوم الحمراء للأمن الغذائي ولغرض الصادر. كما يوفر 60 ألف طن من لحوم الدواجن و 110 ألف طن من الأسماك و 4.9 مليون طن من الألبان و55 ألف طن من البيض بالإضافة إلى 26 مليون قطعة من الجلود. تتراوح أرقام الذبيح بين 26-30 مليون رأس سنويا حسب تقديرات 2015م لوزارة الثروة الحيوانية والسمكية والمراعى.
o قاربت حصيلة الصادر إلى ثلاثة أرباع مليار دولار عام 2014م (730 مليون دولار والعام 2015م تبلغ 890.8 مليون دولار - وزارة الثروة الحيوانية والسمكية).
o هنالك طلب عالي على اللحوم في الشرق الأوسط فما تغطيه دول القرن الافريقى (الصومال –السودان- إثيوبيا – كينيا) يمثل 50% من المواشي الحية و10% من اِحتياجات اللحوم الحمراء (2014م).
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